Saturday, May 14, 2011

without you ( day of 56 )

today is 13 of May 2011....we broke up already 56 days...
today suddenly miss you so much some more look at your profile picture is change d...
feel that i still miss you a lot...i don't know what can i do only can totally forget you...
many people will asking me if one day you find me back n want together back with me
what is my answer???
i totally don't know how to answer them....
from bottom of my heart i really hope can together back with you...but all of this only just a dream
coz i knw u so well
u are the one who make a decision n would not regret
by the way 2 months without you will coming soon...
i hv try to using my heart to find a new girlfriend....but can't work at all
coz my heart still at your side....
hope really have someone can open my heart....and let me forget you...
really hope it~~~

Saturday, January 2, 2010

2nd day of 2010

" 我身体比你好, 你死得比我早 "
这句话不是诅咒, 相反很有意识
就是说我宁愿你丢下我, 我也不肯丢下你不管
希望我能管你管到老, 那么今生无悔....

Friday, January 1, 2010

1st day of 2010

hi everyone long time din update my blog le...
nw come back again...haha...
2009 pass already....
pls welcome to 2010...
n me older again jor....
cnnt like last time keep play le...
nw starting wan to plan in my future life le...
many unhappy things happen in my life at 2009
wan cry de,wan sad de,wan no feel de all will gone already....
nw reali so happy cn together wv u n so lucky tat u love me nw....
hope tis cn maintain it until forever....
tis is 1st time to past a new year with u....
dun knw next year still cn or nt????
bt hope so...
in 2010 i wish cn wv u together forever n ever.....let me take care of u


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hi Hi...

Hi hi everyone
long time din write blog le
so busy n tired at tis few days
busy is about the college assignment
tired is coz always thinking no use de things
really suck lo
so i should be n better be dun wan think more le
busy in my study more better
hv car so wat??
nt compulsory will hv gf oso
like me tis kind of person
who will wan me leh?
nt so tall, nt so strong
hw 2 give ur lover hv safety feel leh?
better dun think ba

Sunday, May 3, 2009

special day for me

yesterday i went out wv her n li yan
i fetch them by my new car viva
1st v go digi center to settle her hp problem
bt at the end the digi center already close le
so i juz use her hp
phone to digi service ask wat happen to her hp
den the staff say digi already chg le
if u use super sms
cnnt put hp no. into fren n family
like tat will more easy to count the money
after tat v go watch x-men
tis movie quite nice
coz si pek geng n yeng
luv it much
after tat v go kim gary eating
ghee hong belanja us
so gud lo...i means him haha
den v go time square
inside there juz a few shops open nia
bt the place is gud
after v go jelutong express highway there de "xin xin guan zi jiao" walk walk lo
den v go city bayview de restaurent wanna eat ice cream de
bt no more le juz buffet oni
there de buffet RM48 per person
tis is adult price la
after no more place go le
v juz go home nia
today so happy
coz use my new car fetch her n li yen
they are my 1st passengers
of coz more happy is i cn fetch the person tat i like
no nid say u all oso knw
is HER!!!

the end

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Last day of April's blog

Erm...tis month cn say is happy month
oso cn say is a sad month for me
sad thing is at this month i
really bad luck
coz accident twice in tis month
really scare after accident n oso my leg baru recover nia still accident again
really unlucky
happy thing is nw i already hv my own car le
is viva

'viva forever' tis song really suitable for me

so let u all c my new car

tis is the back view of my viva

tis tis the side view of my viva

tis is the front view of my viva

so hope tis car cn bring my life more happy

the end

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

simply refresh my blog

On 18 of April 2009
is PC fair
she suggest wan to go there bt dun wan 2 ppls go there
den i invite my sis n her bf go out wv us
starting go there is quite happy n fun de
bt at the end feel unhappy le
coz she saw tiok his fren tat "biao bai" wv her de
so i no mood already at there
so after tat v go gurney
my sis n her bf go celebrity to gym
me n her juz walk around the gurney
b4 v suggest go gurney is i wan go watch movie de
bt she say dun wan
so i juz accompany her go popular buy some books
bt nvm is ok
oso quite happy at there
at nite our dinner juz at gurney drive de corner hawker stall there having our dinner n she din eat oso at there
i think when she go back will feel hungry ba
hope she will take care her health
i oso will always bside her no matter she scold me or angry me
never leave her alone
n hope she oso will stay bside wv me dun leave me alone

story is the end